Industrial Fabric Replacement Options

Industrial Fabric Replacement Options

Our experts are always happy to help

  1. Assistance inĀ fabric selection.
  2. Engineering support is based on knowledge of the most common systems in the industry.
  3. Creative dismantle and reskin options to minimize downtime.
  4. Relationships with specialized turnkey contractors who will work directly with you.

For many existing fabric structures, the original installation method is not the most efficient way to reskin the building. Whenever frames have to be detensioned, the cost associated with removing liners, electrical, and other inside hanging systems can often be avoided with an alternate installation method. Most importantly, there are options to reskin without disrupting the inside structure.

Reskin in Process at Eagles Facility
Reskin in Process
Clamshell Application Reskin
Clamshell Application Reskin
Open Air Amphitheater Reskin
Open Air Amphitheater Reskin

Frame supported reskins

When an existing structure has its fabric replaced, the building essentially looks brand new for only a fraction of the total cost of the reconstruction. We replace the fabric on an existing structure using a different attachment method, tensioning method, or fabric style than what was used in the original construction in many cases, it is desirable to do so.

Avoiding the need to dismantle electrical and other utilities on the inside for reasons of limited access, minimize potential damage to the floor, and avoid replacing internal finishes, downtime minimizing, or building a better performing structure than the originally built one. We support owners and turnkey contractors in finding the optimal solution for their fabric replacement projects.

Tensile reskins

Fabric replacement on aĀ tensile structure can be challenging. The owner of the project may not have the original engineering and design information. The fabric has a structural role in a tensile structure, and the analysis is sensitive to the design assumptions such as prestress which may not be available; therefore the replacement project requires an engineering process. Recreating the original design is only the first step.

An engineering effort is required quite often to ensure that the fabric replacement project is based on solid engineering assumptions and that the existing frame and foundations can be re-used. We provide support both with the engineering and design efforts and with fabricating the tensile cover and any other replacement parts.