Lightweight Design

Lightweight Design

Lightweight Design

Lightweight Design specializes in engineering forĀ rental and permanent structures whereĀ the load requirements of these structures need certification.Ā 

AĀ Professional Engineer (PE) certified in the jurisdiction where the project is located is responsible for renewing and sealing the certifications for submission.Ā 

Lightweight Design offers design services and engineering reviews. Providing certifications for rental tents, clearspan tents, tensile tents and frame tents.

Reliable engineering.

Our engineering includes drafts and engineer drawings defining the structure, load assumptions, and reactions on the anchoring of the structure.

Lightweight Design provides the entire design process for permanent fabric structures, tensile structures and frame-supported structures.

(NOTE: Lightweight acts as a subcontractor andĀ does notĀ provide installation of projects for any tensile or tent structures.)

The photos show different fabric stress of the same structure.

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