Polyethylene Fabrics
Polyethylene Fabrics (PE) is a lightweight, strong, and durable architectural fabric made from woven scrim sandwiched between two layers of plasticized coating. The coating contains protectants to help the fabric last for decades. Properties such as fungicide-resistant fabrics to prevent mold growth and ultraviolet stabilizers to keep the fabric from fading or breaking down in the sun.Ā
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) tapes woven and coated with low-density polyethylene (LDPE) coating to provide a weathertight surface. The composition is modified to provide versatile protection and resistance from the elements. The result is significantly higher fire resistance, and excellent UV protection from the sun.
The projects shown below utilize PE fabric produced by ECP (Engineered Coated Products, a division of Intertape Polymer Group), a technologically advanced producer of architectural polyethylene fabrics. Ā ECP uses a double stack weave to obtain higher strengths compared to regular PE-coated fabric.
Polyethylene fabrics also provide excellent opportunities for recycling. Composed of low density and high desnity PE material, it is capable of being melted down and recycled into other common plastic items such as grocery bags and plastic wrap.

Visit our Literature section for a complete list of pdf versions of industrial fabrics and other products & services we offer. Need assistance in finding the right Polyethylene fabric for your next application? Our experts are always happy to help! We also offer the followingĀ industrial fabricĀ optionsĀ PVC coated,Ā PVC mesh, as well as,Ā PTFE-glass. To get more information or free samples of our product, contact us below.
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